Oh my goodness, I am so unbelievably behind on my blog posts, it's ridiculous. Must make a big mental note to allot more time for everything nearing next Christmas!
Anyway, this darling, cheeky little girl came to be my friend back at the end of October. Her mom had been one of the first people to leave me a thoughtful and encouraging comment on this blog way before we even met and I will honestly never forget how it made me feel.
Miss H's story is amazing. Her journey to come home began years before she was even born. Her loving parents brought her home from Taiwan this past spring, you see, after more years and red tape than anyone should have to endure to become parents. I can tell you firsthand... this spunky little girl and her mom are a match made in heaven. They were simply meant to be. I'm just so happy to have been asked to capture a tiny moment in this blessed baby's life.
Anyway, this darling, cheeky little girl came to be my friend back at the end of October. Her mom had been one of the first people to leave me a thoughtful and encouraging comment on this blog way before we even met and I will honestly never forget how it made me feel.
Miss H's story is amazing. Her journey to come home began years before she was even born. Her loving parents brought her home from Taiwan this past spring, you see, after more years and red tape than anyone should have to endure to become parents. I can tell you firsthand... this spunky little girl and her mom are a match made in heaven. They were simply meant to be. I'm just so happy to have been asked to capture a tiny moment in this blessed baby's life.
If you would like to learn more about their story, please check out their blog: http://www.pinkvelvetbaby.blogspot.com
Note: These photos were taken at Nash Farm and the Botanical Gardens in Grapevine, TX.
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